New Moon's Review

The 2nd installment of Twilight continues the love story of Bella, only this time round, werewolves are thrown into the picture as Jacob becomes a bigger part of Bella's life. Kristen Stewart, as Bella, performed better in this movie as she looks much more comfortable portraying her character now than before. In fact, the whole movie was carried by Stewart and Stewart alone. Taylor Lautner, on the other hand, is a bad actor. And I didn't like the werewolves either, they looked fake. I love the performances of Michael Sheen and Dakota Fanning even though their roles were short. Overall, this movie is nothing more than a fan pleaser. I wouldn't be surprised if this movie was just another episode of True Blood. It's basically a 2 hour and 10 mins plot-less movie with a cheesy dialogue and cheesy scenes. Think it's time to look for a new director for Eclipse?

Overall: 4.0 / 10


Unknown said...

I like em cheesy.


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