Uncharted 2's Review

Expect as much as you want from this game, and what this game does is just exceed your expectations beyond imagination. Uncharted 2: Among Thieves is Naughty Dog's masterpiece. A metaphor would be like Quentin Tarantino's Pulp Fiction. Well I don't even know where to start!

Let's start with graphics. It's PS3 pushed to the limits. Gorgeous in every aspects of the game, whether its the snow, the trees, or even Nathan Drake himself, they look so smooth and not stiff in the slightest bit. And as far as game-play control goes, Uncharted is the game to beat. Bloody smooth third person shooter controls. Story-wise, Uncharted is YET the game to beat. The scenes of this game is much better than most Hollywood movies gotta offer these days. It's so engaging and you just keep wanting more of it. The characters are interesting, the dialogues are a little bit cheesy but that's exactly the thing about Drake that makes him so fun (voice-acting is also terrific by the way). The story mode is approximately 12-14 hours in length but its non-stop fun from beggining to end. The climbing game-play is still here and it's still a hell lot of fun. There's also some stealth play which somehow works. Let's also not forget the Multiplayer feature this game has to offer, it's one where you see yourself keep coming back for it for at least a few months. We've been waiting for a third-person multiplayer like this, and it dominates every other game (such as Resident Evil 5 which you actually gotta pay 5 bucks for it) in this particular feature. Among Thieves is a mind-blowing experience and definitely a game to be inducted in my hall of fame.

Well, if you like an action / adventure game, or like climbing walls like Prince of Persia, or at least like watching cut-scenes in a game, wait a minute...scratch all that. If you like playing games, you definitely have to buy Uncharted 2: Among Thieves. You gotta either be blind, deaf, or dumb not to buy this game.

Overall: 9.7 / 10


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