Surrogates' Review

Surrogates is a sci-fi / action movie directed by Jonathan Mostow (Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines) and starring Bruce Willis. It's a great idea for a movie really. The movie is 1 hour 44 mins long and every action scene makes up right about time before the conversation scenes was about to bore you. Willis' acting is almost flawless; both as the robot avatar and as his actual self. Now the bad parts. Almost all the action scenes were chase scenes, and all of them were nothing you haven't seen before. Although the concept for the movie was very good for a sci-fi thriller , the execution was just very weak. I keep getting "I Robot" dejavu all over while watching this movie; and at least "I Robot" was much more fun. Overall, great concept, okay acting, and bad execution. I would only recommend Surrogates for sci-fi junkies out there.

Overall: 5.0 / 10


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